Monday, October 27, 2008

Another Opportunity for Teaching Adults

This Saturday is another free session of the Teaching Adults class. Meet the current group of new instructors, discover the latest in department information, and teaching tips while sharing your teaching knowledge and expertise.

Please join us:

Saturday, November 1, 2008
Boyle Education Center Room 151
9 a.m. to Noon.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Return Your Contract

It is that time again---your contract is in the (e)mail!

Please sign and return the contract when it arrives. We need to have the signed document to continue with the development of the winter schedule.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Monday, October 13, 2008

A Blog for Your Class

A blog is simply an online journal or diary. It has many applications, including several in education. There are several advantages to having a blog for your students.

1. It is a convenient way to stay in touch with current students.
2. You can make information available to former students.
3. It is a means of advertising your class.

A class-related blog of one of our community learning instructors can be viewed at It has been on the Internet for several years, being visited by thousands of people. Thus, it has kept his students up-to-date and exposed the class to potential students.

If you are interested in pursuing the idea of class blog, let me know by using the COMMENTS link below.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Helping the Students be There

Have you noticed how the doctor, dentist, and other professionals give you a telephone reminder of your appointment? Why not give the students a reminder?

Some of our instructors have found that a simple, short phone call several days before the start of class can be a rewarding experience for both the instructor and the student. For example, it serves not only to heighten anticipation of the class, it can be a time to unravel any mysteries— where is the classroom, should they bring anything, are there snack facilities, etc.

Of particular note is the opportunity to talk with the students before the class begins. Discovering the reason they are attending, their prior knowledge of the subject, what they would like to obtain from the class, etc., can provide for those last minute adjustments to class activities that turn it into a better learning experience for everyone.

Your program manager can give you a student roster with telephone numbers.