Monday, June 15, 2009

Community Learning Wellness Discovery Day

Community Learning Wellness Discovery Day is coming Saturday, September 19 from 10 am to 2 pm in the Mazama Building on the COCC Campus. This will be a free event—a kick off for our fall registration which is centered on classes promoting mental and physical wellness.

There will be 20 minute sample classes for fitness activities. For other classes, we’ll have instructors available to meet with interested students to talk about classes. If you think your class promotes wellness, contact your programmer about being involved in our wellness discovery day.

We’d love to have a large number of instructors available to talk about their classes. No one can excite people about YOUR class like YOU can! We will also be asking all our instructors to spread the word about this event as we get closer.

Building community and promoting lifelong learning are two of the best ways to promote wellness we know of—come help us spread the word. Please put this date on your calendar and plan to attend either as an instructor or just for fun as a participant.

Thanks to Rachel for the information on Wellness Day.

Please note that this is our last post until September. We hope to see you back here in the fall.

Have a great summer!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Larkspur Neighborhood Festival 2009

Instructors and program managers again represented the college and department at the annual Larkspur Neighborhood Festival on Saturday, June 6. Hosted by the Bend Senior Center, the well-attended festival featured various types of booths, activities for children, music, line dancing, etc.

Visitors were attracted to the booth by colorful flower arrangements offered by Backyard Bouquets instructor Martha Church, information/demonstrations of Qigong by instructor Michelle Wood, and large portrait photographs from Chris Mather who will offer a portrait photography class in the fall (shown below).

Chris Mather and his portrait exhibit
Managers who manned the booth included Rachel Knox, Glenda Lantis, and Paul Stennett, who was represented by Tom McDannold. Everyone was involved with providing information about on-going classes, new offerings in the fall, along with seeking community input about courses to offer, etc.

A special thanks goes to Larry Nonemaker of Larry’s RV. Larry, who will teach a class in the Fall on RV maintenance, provided a new 26 foot trailer for our use. It made a great “booth.”

Monday, June 1, 2009

Want to Try Twitter?

Everyone seems to be talking about Twitter. We have even made reference to it in this blog back on January 20, 2009. You may recall that it is often referred to as micro-blogging. The "micro" part is derived from being limited to 140 characters.

If you have decided to give it a try, whether for classroom or business use, you will want to read an article titled, "The Four Stages of a Typical Twitter User."

According to the article’s author, Jason Hiner, once you make it to the fourth stage, you will be a convert. Read all of what he has to say by clicking here.