We have begun another year and with it has come some challenges in registration. Just as registrations are down all over the country such is the case with us.
However, all is not bad. There is plenty of interest in our classes but there is a lack of knowledge that the classes are available. We need your help getting the word out. We don't want to be the best kept secret in Central Oregon. You do a fantastic job teaching, we have a strong following and there are plenty of people who need to know this.
How can you help? Get familiar with all the classes we have to offer. Share with your circle about yours' and others' classes. If you see a place we can put out our schedules let us know and we will get you some to share. Request an email flier about your class and send it out. Use your class as a place to promote other classes you teach and others teach.
If you have other ideas share them with us through a comment below.
One last thing you can do is join our FaceBook page as a fan. We are getting more and more interest on our site.
We look forward to hearing from you.