Monday, September 22, 2008

Six Aspects of the Adult Learner, Part I*

As you finalize your classroom presentation, it would be a good idea to keep in mind six aspects of the adult learner. The first three of the six are given below. The remaining three will appear another time as Six Aspects of the Adult Learner, Part II.

1. Adults are autonomous and self-directed. They need to be free to direct themselves. Their instructor must actively involve them in the learning process and serve as a facilitator. Specifically, an instructor must get participants' perspectives about what topics to cover and let them work on projects that reflect their interests. The instructor should allow the participants to assume responsibility for presentations and group leadership (if applicable). They have to be sure to act as facilitators, guiding participants to their own knowledge rather than supplying them with facts.

2. Adults have accumulated a foundation of life experiences and
. This would include work-related activities, family responsibilities, and previous education. They need to connect learning to this knowledge/experience base. To help them do so, the instructor should draw out participants' experience and knowledge that is relevant to the
topic. They must relate theories and concepts to their students' prior experiences and recognize the value of experience in learning.

3. Adults are goal-oriented. Upon enrolling in a course, they usually know what goal they want to attain. Therefore, they appreciate an educational program that is organized and has clearly defined elements. The instructor must show participants how this class will help them attain their goals.

Part II will be the post for September 29, 2008.

*From the League for Innovation

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