Monday, December 8, 2008

Five Tips for Homework Assignments

Do the homework assignment! Teaching a class that involves homework?

Suggestions for helping the students with the assignments are found in a recent Inside the School Update that contained an article titled “Posting Homework Online” by Diane Trim. The following points are particularly relevant to community learning students.

  1. Post assignments on the Internet. This can be accomplished using social media such as a blog.*

  2. Assignments are easily retrieved when on the Internet. If a student misses a meeting, they can obtain the homework themselves and not fall behind.

  3. Posting the assignments also serves as a reminder. Our adult students lead busy lives and often appreciate being reminded.

  4. When writing the assignments, use a common/generic word processing program. Not everyone has the latest version of all programs.

  5. Keep the assignments brief. This results in a small file size, allowing for a quick download. Those with a dial-up modem will appreciate it.

*More information on social media and blogs will be forth coming.

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