Thursday, October 14, 2010

The All Important Roster

Before every class we send out the class roster. We do our best to keep it up to date, however lately, we have had a lot of people sign up at the last minute and don't have time to get the changes to the instructor. This means some students who have registered will show up to class but may not be on your roster.

As you check the names on your roster against those who are present, if a student says he/she has registered, just write down their name and contact information and pass it to us the next day. By far most of the time, the students have indeed registered.

If they are not on your roster and haven't registered they cannot stay in the class.

Two more things: the roster has your computer login information on it, and remember, there is private contact information on the roster that the students should not see. Please don't pass the roster around the class for them to check that they are present.

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