Friday, April 1, 2011

Readjusting in Class

On March 30th, Dean Dad on BlogU of "Inside Higher Ed" wrote the following about interviewing instructors that we should all consider.

"One of my favorite interview questions is 'tell us about a time you realized that something you were doing wasn’t working. What kind of adjustment did you make?' I’ve seen candidates trip over this, since in a few cases, it apparently never occurred to them that they had made mistakes. I don’t believe in perfect people; I’m looking for people who are capable of self-correction. That necessarily involves a certain degree of self-awareness. Sadly, self-awareness is not evenly distributed across the population."

What experiences have you had? Have you readjusted in the midst of a class?
I had an instructor sharing with me that he asked his computer class to click on a certain button and got asked the question by several students, "Which button do I press?" He had to back up and introduce several class members to the mouse.

What have been your experiences? Share them with us.

1 comment:

Staff said...

I told the students to insert their disk into the computer and someone ask if the printed side or shiny side was to go down. Ha! Clearly, I needed to give a bit more instruction about "insert your disk."