Friday, March 28, 2008

Case Study in Classroom Management Issues Part 2 of 2

All instructors face this at some point. We encourage our instructors to work with all levels of students and we realize this can be very difficult and challenging.
What this instructor did was repeat the instructions and take extra breaks to catch the student up.
A couple of alternative strategies that might be used:

1) Involve those students who know a lot and like to share what they know by pairing them up with a slower student. This is a good way to keep both involved.

2) Explain to the student that the class is going to proceed at a faster rate and that the student is welcome to stay, but class will not be able to wait for him/her.

What are your strategies for dealing with a range of levels? Please share your thoughts by commenting.

1 comment:

Tom McDannold said...

I find that the under-prepared student is very common in the digital editing classes. As a result, I often conduct the instruction from that student's location where I can be of immediate help. Of course, it means lots of walking back and forth to my computer in the front of the room. But what the hey, it has become part of my exercise program!