Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Top 10 Teacher Tips, Part II

Last week's post was Part I of Hotta Dover's article on teacher tips. It covered Tip 1- 5: being prepared, varieties of teaching strategies, encouraging interaction, building rapport, and use of the black/white board.

This week's post is the Part II, Tip 6-10, and is the final post related to the article.

6. Use Other Audio-Visual Aids Effectively
Audio-visual aids such as overhead projectors and transparencies, flip charts, audio and video players, etc. can be tremendous assets when used effectively, but great liabilities when not. Check equipment before class to ensure that it is working, that you know how to use it, and that tapes and counters are cued.

7. Manage Handouts
Try telling students that you will be giving a handout after presenting the material, but that you'd like them to listen and think for now.

8. Check for Understanding
Asking students the question, "do you understand?" is an ineffective means of checking comprehension. Depending upon the focus of the lesson, check comprehension by 1) asking students to make a choice such as, "Is this statement true or untrue?" or "Is the best answer A or B?" 2) giving a demonstration of a practical task; or 3) brainstorming further examples to illustrate a point.

9. Give Feedback
Keep feedback focused and positive.

10. Ask for Feedback
Give students regular opportunities to provide anonymous feedback on your teaching and the course. New teachers are encouraged to invite feedback from experienced mentor teachers as well.

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