Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Cell phone use in the classroomAre your students really “getting” what you have to say? Although there are various means of determining the level of understanding, i.e. Q&A, tests, clickers, etc., the use of a cell phone in class can create new opportunities for making sure everyone “gets it.”

Here is how it works: The students indicate what they do/do not understand by text messaging to a central place where the results are tabulated and then shown on the classroom screen. The process is similar to the TV program where the audience uses their cell phone to vote. Rather than voting, the students indicate what is unclear, needs repeating, or rephrasing, etc. by using their phone. The cell phone itself is simply a part of an audience response system (ARS) that includes software, Internet connection, graphics, etc.

The campuses have the Internet connection, the students have a cell phone, and the ARS is available from polleverywhere.com. They even offer a free service for classes with less than 30 students. The department will demonstrate the process at the next Teaching Adults class.

Read more about ARS and polleverywhere.com by clicking here.

A video of how it works can be seen by clicking here.

*Abstracted from Inside the School Update. Visit their website by clicking here.

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