Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Important Feedback

As instructors, we want to know how we are coming across to our students and how effective we are being. It is always gratifying to hear how good we are doing or uncomfortable to hear we have missed the mark. Often this feedback doesn’t come until the end of class when we can’t do anything about it.
Carol Smith, from the Helium.com website, writes, “Don't be afraid to ask your students how they feel the course is going. If you are relaxed and friendly they will feel they can give you an honest answer. If they aren't happy, ask them what they would like you to change - and change it! You will be a better teacher for it and you will have happier students.”
How do you handle this situation? Do you regularly check in with your students or pull one aside during a break? What has worked for you? Comment below and share with us.

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